Apex Bank offers super flaxible current account that supports your business goals.

CURRENT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Can be opened by any citizen of India competent to contract in his/her own name or in the name of his/her firm as sole proprietor, a partnership firms, companies and body corporate/trust/societies etc.

CURRENT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Can be opened by any citizen of India competent to contract in his/her own name or in the name of his/her firm as sole proprietor, a partnership firms, companies and body corporate/trust/societies etc to facilitate deal in financial transactions with a minimum deposit of Rs.2000/- for individuals and Rs.3000/- for firms/companies/institutions etc. Withdrawals from C/D A/c are allowed by cheque only for which cheque book will be provided on requisition from the operator. Periodical statement of account will be provided free of cost. Nomination facility will be available on all Current Deposit A/cs opened by individuals and sole proprietorship concern.

Application for opening C/D A/c must be made in bank’s prescribed forms and will be subject to strict compliance of “KYC” norms prescribed by RBI/NABARD. No interest will be paid on balance held in C/D A/c. Apex Bank offer opening of C/D A/c free of any restrictions on number and amount of deposits and withdrawals. Current Deposit A/c are transferable from one branch to another branch.
